
Learn how to Hijack the Media with my online course that teaches real estate creators and influencers how to land and nail media interviews.

Hi, I'm Carey, a former journalist turned PR pro, here to give you all the secrets on how to become media savvy.

Have you ever wanted to maximize your brand's exposure, authority or influence but didn't know where to start?

You May Think Traditional Media is Dead.

But I’m here to tell you there is a way to use the power of media exposure to broaden your audience, increase trust and credibility, and elevate your brand.

I can show you how to land media interviews and ace them with my online media training course, "Hijack the Media."

My "Hijack the Media" online course teaches:

- What makes news and how to pitch reporters

- The strategy of answering questions

- Trap questions the media ask

- Techniques to speak the media language

- How to craft key messages

- Nailing the interview

And, as a bonus, the first 100 people who sign up for "Hijack the Media" will receive a free one-on-one interview critique from me!

Get on the waitlist for my new online course Hijack the Media.

Why is media exposure important?

Media interviews can be a powerful tool for elevating your brand. They provide a multifaceted approach to increasing brand awareness by leveraging exposure, credibility, thought leadership, and maintaining top-of-mind awareness among your target audience.

What happens if you book a media interview but you're not prepared?

When you aren't prepared to do media interviews, you could really blow your chance to become an authority in your space. When you nail the interview, reporters will remember you as a reliable source and come back to you again and again.

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+1 214.914.1157

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